Happy Holidays, party people!(That first line hits funnier if you hear it in the rough, I've-been-sick voice I'm currently sporting). I was going to write to you all for the Solstice and tell you about my experience standing in the darkness in Bru na Boinne, in the inner chamber of Newgrange, waiting for a simulated sliver of light to appear, recreating what it’s like to be there on Winter Solstice. And then, shortly after arriving back on the soil of what is currently known as the United States, watching a live stream of the actual event in real time. I was going to share about ritual and ancestral memory and how standing in the pitch black womb of the Earth, waiting for the return of the light, unsure whether it would come; brought me right to the pulsing, breathing hope and heartbreak of being human. I was going to share about being at the bottom of the exhale of the wheel of the year and the tending to emptiness and letting go. ... and then I got sick and spent several days unable to do anything other than sleep, feel empty, and let go. So, only a few days after the full moon (which occurred right around Christmas), I managed to get out a fresh, new podcast episode on the the spiritual and energetic aspects of getting sick after a massively expansive experience. You'll hear me explore:
… and more. I thought it would be a short little episode, but joke’s on me! Turns out, my most-likely-neurodivergent brain has a lot of thoughts on the subject… So give it a listen (or watch on YouTube) and let me know: What do you think? Was this helpful? Have you experienced being sick after a peak experience before? I'd love to hear. ... And as I'm coming back to life-at-this-moment, and getting caught up, I'm so excited to start sending out the first of my New Year tarot drawings. I've been looking back at mine from December of last year and I can feel how powerfully and accurately my cards guided me through the year. Before we are consciously conscious of something; before we can see it, name it, be with it in 'daylight consciousness'; it's there as the flickering shadows and light a fire casts on a cave wall. That's Soul. Where our dreams and desires start from... but also always just slightly out of reach, out of being able to be named or pinned down. The archetypal images of the cards help us bridge the gap - they act as the cave wall where something we couldn't even name as an intention or goal yet dances in and out. They can be the subtle trail of breadcrumbs we follow towards versions of ourselves and the right people, places, and opportunities to realize the dreams and desires we don't even know to ask for yet. There is so much magic possible and the cards help bring us back to moving and orienting through enchantment. Remember, these are delivered via email, so there's no need to navigate scheduling. And they're designed with a combination of guidance from me and space for you to find your own way with them. A beautiful way to tune in to the portal and your path of this New Year. You can read more about the offering and options here. And you're welcome to write back if you have any questions. I leave the updates there for now and free you back into the weird liminal space of not knowing the day, time, or even who you are anymore with a blessing for us all for the new year: May you feel the beating aliveness of your wild, tender heart; may you experience the balm of a magical, enchanted world; and may we hold the personal and collective hope and heartbreak of being human in fiercely gentle hands. with love, Kate P.S. This year's improvements to the Insight 2024 offering include a voice note with channeled messages and some more support from me on how to engage with your card if you're newer to working in this way or like reminders. Plus, we'll meet up next December for a live, online retrospective look back at your cards and your year! It's only available for purchase until Jan 12, so don't wait too long! |
2923 Pine Spring Rd, Falls Church, VA 22042 |
Are you a compassion warrior, culture worker, and rebel who cares deeply about humanity; who's tired of doing all the “right things” and still getting what you’re trying to avoid; and who feels trapped between burning it all down or dying but would rather be wildly, and sacredly alive? I'm an animist and ancestral wisdom guide; ceremonialist, and empath. And I love guiding other humans who want to use their burnout and purpose anxiety as a jumping-off point to journey into their shadows and the shadows of modern society in order to de-armor their hearts; remember a deeper, wilder sense of belonging to the world; and reclaim the rich and sacred spark of their aliveness. This newsletter contains wisdom nuggets, podcast episodes, and invitations to paid and free offerings from my business. All in support of remembering a more animist and land-based culture; holding firm to our humanity in a dehumanizing world; and living with compassion, vulnerability, and reverence.
Dear ones - Yesterday evening, I watched the almost-full moon rise while the snow-dusted peaks dipped in and out of the clouds. Today, the wind gusts so strongly, even sitting, my body was having to work to stay upright. Winter is still holding on here in East Kintyre. Some say this moon would more traditionally have been called the Ice Moon or the Snow Moon in Ireland and Scotland. And there are those who believe the ancient Ogham alphabet (dating back possibly as early as 1st century BC)...
Dear ones - There’s a lot of upheaval in the world and it feels surreal to be alive amid so many unfolding crises while also going about the mundane of our days. I’m naming that because while political activism work doesn’t feel like it’s my best contribution to these times (but guiding people to stay human does), I don’t believe in bypassing either. I believe we have to hold the tension of wondering if we’re doing the right things and enough of them; alongside loving the people around us,...
Dear ones - I want to start off quickly acknowledging - the energy feels heavy out there right now. There's a lot of fear, exhaustion, unrest, and uncertainty. Remember to take some deep breaths, rest (I guide you into some in my last podcast episode, ep 56, if you want some support in that), connect with people you love and feel safe around. Take yourself offline and invest in things which are real, as well as your longer-distance connections and community. I suspect one of the most...