upcoming October, tarot card, and new pod!

Dear ones -

It's the beginning of a new month so here's our October overview email - complete with a tarot card for our little collective for the month.

Tarot card for October:

I always encourage folks who get my readings to look at the card themselves first and notice what comes up in their bodies. What emotions or sensations are stirred? What thoughts and stories seem to pop to mind? What do you find yourself repelled by or drawn to? We’ll all have a slightly different flavor of noticing connected to the card and that’s all part of how the images and archetypes of the cards are wanting to work with each of us individually.

Now for my interpretation(s): Nines in the tarot are about bringing things to a conclusion. Interestingly, given the upheaval in the world, this card has a very stable feeling - pentacles are about worldly goods, material comforts, etc.

Yet there’s a dreamy quality to this card. And perhaps a sense of grief. A tenderness and vulnerability.

Given the context of these times, this card seems to me to be reminding us what they say about a meditation practice: "when you don’t have time to meditate is when you most need to meditate.” When the world is in upheaval and pain and turmoil is when we most need to get quiet in our hearts, tune into our bigger visions, and dream (as well as act - but act slowly and with intention, rather than react). This card may offer us a reminder: Don’t close your eyes to the pain, but keep looking for the beauty. Let it guide you.

Remember, the world is not happening to us; it’s happening alongside us. We are co-creating it. It is our mirror and vice versa. Keep one eye on possibility and keep aligning yourself with the change you want to see. Astrologers are reminding us that all outer planets will be changing signs next year. Outer planets change signs much more infrequently, and rarely at the same time. Because their rotations take decades to complete, they hold generational and collective energy. The fact that they will all shift next year predicts big shifts and new beginnings personally and collectively in the next few years. The finals months of this year might be best spent closing loops, cleaning house, getting clear on our orienting vision and values. Whatever endings seem to be happening, whatever reckonings we notice in our world and in our lives as we close out the final eclipse portal of the year; grieve them, thank them, and let them go. There is more beauty ahead if we keep our eyes open for it.

Notice, too, how the figure is playing the piano. So as she dreams, she isn’t passive. She takes what’s inspiring her and turns it into something - an expression of some kind. Don't forget your hands. Yearning does not a future make. Beauty which isn't of you, of us, of this life and the Earth stays a dream and possibly a distraction.

What’s the song playing in your heart? What’s your most beautiful vision for the world? How can you bring both of those together to express something deeply necessary and intentional at this time?

A New Podcast Episode:

In honor of today’s new moon and lunar eclipse, this episode itself might be a little bit of shadow work. I’m definitely holding feet to fire here. With compassion, of course…

Many common pitfalls in online and real-life spiritual/ wellness circles seem to be the outcome of not doing shadow work.

Have you:

  • noticed burnout and long-term ineffectiveness are still prevalent in spiritual and wellness spaces?
  • felt so excited to find a group which seemed to be doing things differently, only to realize it’s the same ol’ better-than, power-over shit… just with more incense and crystals?
  • been burned by teachers and practitioners who turned out to be on an ego trip - wanting you to somehow validate them and their insecurities by being just like them?
  • or, been that practitioner who has a sneaking suspicion, in spite of your best intentions, you’re using your clients/ students to soothe your wounds?

If so, yup, that's what I'm talking about - we’re human and imperfect and that’s OK.

AND we can do better. We have the tools to do better. It’s how we wield the tools of ancestral wisdom traditions and spiritual practices, just like any other tool, which determines the outcome of its use - help or hurt?

So tune in to hear me pose questions like:

  • What happens to our spiritual practices, our healing journey, if we’re all light and no shadow work?
  • What happens if we do certification after certification or ceremony after ceremony and don’t integrate?
  • What might be the outcome of prioritizing the flashy over the unglamorous nervous system maintenance work?

I believe our answers to these questions matter deeply if we want a world which looks more humane, more just, more loving, and more balanced and harmonious.

In fact, these questions might help point the way back to some sort of right relationship with these ancient wayfinding practices; a relationship with them where they’re the compass leading us through inexperience and cultural immaturity, and out into deeper wisdom and more intactness.

What stood out to you most in this episode? Did any of it leave you feeling uncomfortable? If so, I’d love to hear.

Ways to Work With Me This Month:

Wisdom Wednesday

If you’re feeling the need for a energetic reset or grounding (election season and recent disasters and ongoing genocides in the US and abroad can be a lot to hold); pop in today, Oct 2nd at 12pm ET, for a 15-20min group attunement followed by office hours-style Q&A. PWYC. An informal group space to gather.


I do have a few more spaces for 1:1 work right now. These sessions are a great way to commit to your own aliveness - especially if you’re feeling caught between running away from your life or dying in it and you don’t want to do either but can’t seem to see another way. If that sparks some curiosity, or a ‘yes’ of some kind in you, you’re welcome to let me know. I’m happy to chat with you about whether we’re a right fit at this time (and no, that’s not euphemism for “say all the ‘right’ things to make you think we’re a fit”). I’m currently in the process of reworking this (and other) pages on my website; so the best way to proceed would be to reach out to me so I can make sure you have the most accurate and up-to-date info as you make your decision.

with much love as we navigate being human through it all,


P.S. Would anyone be interested in a gathering to honor Samhain later this month or early November? To honor ancestors, the deepening of winter, and (in the old Celtic tradition) the New Year?

Is there another way you'd like some support from me? I'd be happy to hear and consider. <3

2923 Pine Spring Rd, Falls Church, VA 22042
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Hi! I'm Kate - an intuitive, medicine woman, and guide for embodied Presence

I care with every fiber of my being that you, a creature of soul and soil, are trying to thrive in systems not designed for you. Where ancient wounds of disconnect, inherited traumas, and misalignments with our over-culture leave you feeling out of place, too much, or like a canary in the mine, I see invitations back deeper into your own aliveness; vital next steps to a wiser, more relational future. Let’s navigate your big questions and transitions together. I’ll support you living meaningfully in this world even though you may feel like you were designed for a different one. I’ll keep you orienting to the truth, heart, and essential wholeness of who you are at the edge of great joy and when you need your feet held to the fire of your own journey. You can see what I offer: www.wildsacredjourney.com and sign up to get a little bit of me, direct to your inbox!

Read more from Hi! I'm Kate - an intuitive, medicine woman, and guide for embodied Presence

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