tonight! *free* 'sanctuary' gathering

Dear ones -

A quick reminder that tonight at 7pm ET, we're gathering around a virtual fire for our first 'Sanctuary' gathering.

While this will become a paid membership and monthly gathering, for these first few, we're exploring it freely, together.

The idea for Sanctuary came from my own heart and soul hunger and those expressed by some of you, and the format has been slowly percolating in my head since middle of last year. I'm super excited for it to finally come forth.

Since a few days from now is Feb 1, a day celebrated in more northern parts of the world as the beginning of the beginning of Spring, we'll center some of our gathering this evening around Imbolc and the increasing return of light, warmth, agriculture, flower, and birds.

Although each month will be slightly different, I anticipate them being supported by a regular rhythm - a bone structure of sorts. We will:

  • arrive and move and breathe together;
  • light a candle and enter into a more sacred, heart and curiosity open space;
  • honor the season we find ourselves in and our body's relationship with this moment in time within our environment and the natural world - with some conversation around how our ancestors might have rooted in and experienced belonging and how we might do that in these times;
  • receive a deep-rooted story of some kind, delivered into our hearts and souls as medicine;
  • engage in conversation and meaning-making around the story and what wisdom it offered each of us;
  • enter a period of silence for meditation, prayer, journaling, drawing, creating - either to engage with something from the story or our conversation, or to simply, and crucially, rest and nourish our Selves;
  • witnessing circle to hold and be held or offer something of ourselves to the group in the spirit of connection and generosity;
  • close

So if you've found yourself hungry for more time to nourish your soul, to be with other wildling humans, to find moments of wonder and enchantment... and you're able to slow down and drop in without being instantly overwhelmed (if not yet on that, I recommend starting with 1:1 work first and build up to this space)...

you can join us here.

You're most welcome around the fire.

with Love,


P.S. Next month's Sanctuary gathering (currently scheduled for Feb 27th at 7pm ET) will mostly likely also be free, with our official start date for our first group on March 26th (associated with the Spring Equinox).

I'll keep you posted about that. <3

2923 Pine Spring Rd, Falls Church, VA 22042
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Hi! I'm Kate - an intuitive, medicine woman, and guide for embodied Presence

I care with every fiber of my being that you, a creature of soul and soil, are trying to thrive in systems not designed for you. Where ancient wounds of disconnect, inherited traumas, and misalignments with our over-culture leave you feeling out of place, too much, or like a canary in the mine, I see invitations back deeper into your own aliveness; vital next steps to a wiser, more relational future. Let’s navigate your big questions and transitions together. I’ll support you living meaningfully in this world even though you may feel like you were designed for a different one. I’ll keep you orienting to the truth, heart, and essential wholeness of who you are at the edge of great joy and when you need your feet held to the fire of your own journey. You can see what I offer: and sign up to get a little bit of me, direct to your inbox!

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