my tired brain: [insert cool subject line]....?.... (amazing new pod episode tho!)

Lovely Reader,

I'm loopy from travel preparations, but let's play a little game:

Raise your hand if one of your values is ‘freedom’.

Now, tell me more about what you mean by ‘freedom’.

Beyond an abstract value, what does it look like, smell like, sound like, feel like?

What about God? Or Spirit? Or Love? Or some larger vision of the Universe?

Is that something you value? And what do you mean by that?

How do you know when you’re connecting with it?

Most of us feel a yearning deep in our bodies for these things - freedom and a sense of transcendent connection. Expansion and being held. Something to devote ourselves to and be transformed by.

And yet: Freedom. Birth. God.

These are all words that have become quite loaded and contentious topics of conversation…

Never fear, friend. In this episode, we dive in.

Joining me around the fire is Stella Udeozor - a first-generation Nigerian-American, mother of two, digital content Creator, storyteller, photographer, and birthkeeper backed out of Cincinnati, Ohio; who, through her business, Freedom Birth Story, aims to capture the true, and free, essence of every story, especially those of birth and motherhood.

Neither of us expected this conversation to go where it did, but, as you’ll hear Stella say, that’s what happens when you gather around the fire!

Join us and you’ll hear us lovingly question the stories we’ve been told to find stories that feel more free (and other musings) on subjects like:

  • shifting from dogma to a personally-aligned relationship with spirituality;
  • looking through the systems to find the heart and integrity untouched by corruption;
  • language, place, and belief as as sites of freedom and sites of oppression;
  • storytelling as medicine;
  • the complexities of allowing stories to be living processes while making sure you’re writing your own (not someone else writing it for you);
  • God not as fixed entity but as myriad faces and aspects;
  • how honoring our ancestors and praying to saints can be the same thing;
  • discernment, embodiment, and not outsourcing our power when it comes to birth, death, and everything in between;
  • what ‘freedom’ means to each of us…

and much more.

While these subjects can, in some situations, feel large and heavy, there’s a lightness and joy pervading every moment of this conversation; reminding us curiosity and wonder are key, unlearning can be fun, and, in the end, it’s all about the stories we believe and the ones we tell. 

If you’re in a place of unlearning or deconditioning from a system or identity you didn’t choose or grew to find oppressive; if you’re feeling trapped and wondering how to feel more free; if you’re tired of living stories of wounds and limitations and want to write stories of possibility… join us around this fire. I think you’ll find something grounding, touching, inspiring, and reparative. 

Hell, join us if you just want a rad conversation.

All of you is welcome here.

Much love,


P.S. Next time you hear from me, I'll be in Scotland! (...if the getting ready to go doesn't kill me first ;))

I'm sure I'll have great stories to share; there are more amazing conversations coming up on the podcast (this August blue moon means you get THREE conversations this month!); the monthly online community gatherings will continue; I'm building towards more special content for Patrons (thank you for your support!); and I have some really cool projects on the back burner.

Right now it feels like I'm on quite a ride. And I'm glad you're here with me.

2923 Pine Spring Rd, Falls Church, VA 22042
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Hi! I'm Kate - an intuitive, medicine woman, and guide for embodied Presence

I care with every fiber of my being that you, a creature of soul and soil, are trying to thrive in systems not designed for you. Where ancient wounds of disconnect, inherited traumas, and misalignments with our over-culture leave you feeling out of place, too much, or like a canary in the mine, I see invitations back deeper into your own aliveness; vital next steps to a wiser, more relational future. Let’s navigate your big questions and transitions together. I’ll support you living meaningfully in this world even though you may feel like you were designed for a different one. I’ll keep you orienting to the truth, heart, and essential wholeness of who you are at the edge of great joy and when you need your feet held to the fire of your own journey. You can see what I offer: and sign up to get a little bit of me, direct to your inbox!

Read more from Hi! I'm Kate - an intuitive, medicine woman, and guide for embodied Presence

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