last call! and new seeds coming up

Dear ones -

In just a few weeks we’ll be at Imbolc (Feb 1st)- the time when the darkest days of winter are over and the energy of Spring begins to grow.

In some of the Celtic myths, this is a time when the Cailleach, the ancient grandmother hag-goddess of winter, and Brigit, the goddess of youthful fire, did battle. Other myths say they are one and the same and the Cailleach dies and is reborn youthful until Samhain when she once again ages into winter. Some myths tell the story of the Cailleach out collecting firewood and hoping for a sunny day so she can get enough to see her through the rest of the winter (and of course, if the day isn’t sunny, she can’t get as much wood so winter won’t be able to last much longer… sound familiar?). Regardless of which myth, which story, we look to, we have to acknowledge change is in the air.

I’ve been feeling it myself. Both personally and in the collective. Dreams and visions of fire have been popping up almost daily. In my working with my tarot cards every day, there have been many about death and endings. A few weeks ago, I heard a clear message: “get light. make yourself mobile. change is coming and it will be quick and you’ll need to be ready to say yes.” Astrologers are noting Pluto’s shift to Aquarius, notable because Pluto shifts every 12-30 years, so it tends to shift collective energies in big ways.

So if you’re feeling yourself on a precipice, feeling like change is about to happen, you’re probably right. The question is: do you have the tools and support you need to navigate it?

In honor of this shifting out of the quiet dreamy days of winter and into the growth days of Spring, I wanted to let you in on some closing and upcoming ways to work with me as part of your tool box, navigating the changes of these transformational times.

First: this is your friendly reminder that tomorrow is the last day to order Insight 2024, a tarot reading to guide and support your path in the new year!

I’ve been blown away this year by how much my own relationship with the cards has evolved and the layers and depth of meaning coming through. And I’m also really proud of how I’ve evolved the offering this year to make it even more supportive and accessible for you.

Just yesterday, I heard from a recipient that even as a relative newby to working with cards, she found it super impactful.

Every single person has said how much hope and clarity they felt. How the cards helped them drop some shame and really tune into what they’ve been shuffling their feet about but know to be true.

I’ve also heard from many people that the archetypes have stayed with them and they can feel the pictures of the cards guiding them through their days and the challenges they face. That’s exactly how it feels for me, too, working with a reading like this. And I am so pumped to hear I’ve been able to share some of my method and people are finding it helpful.

This is definitely the best iteration of this offer I’ve done yet.

So, if you’d like the cards (and my guidance on how to work with them) to help you tune into your knowing, live with your own questions, and have a guiding image or felt sense to prompt your next steps… tomorrow is the last day to order.

They’ll be delivered by email and include a pdf and voice note so we don’t have to navigate schedules and you can return to it as many times as you want.

Remember, this year there are a few options:

  1. Card of the Year : a single card with a guiding theme/ archetype for 2024. Perfect for keeping it big-picture or if you’re looking for the most budget option.
  2. Card of the Year- Deluxe: the theme card, plus a stop-start-continue reading to support staying true to your overall theme for the year. The most popular option and my personal favorite because the theme tunes you in to the aspirational; the stop calls you out a little; the start usually feels affirming, unfamiliar, exciting and a little scary; and the continue is the reassuring through-thread to move you between the familiarity of stop into the newness of start, whispering: “you already have at least some of what you need.” A well-rounded support team of archetypes to help you stay on your soul’s path.
  3. Card of the Month: a year-long membership with a card pull done for you at the beginning of each month to tune into the archetypal energies and theme of that month. A beautiful way to have some accountability to yourself and your inner knowing and to create some ritual through the year. Folks who did it last year said they looked forward to it each month and found a nice rhythm with it.
  4. Bundle: combining Card of the Year and Card of the Month (pay in full or by monthly subscription)
  5. Bundle Deluxe: COY Deluxe and COM. In case you're someone who wants it all. (pay in full or by monthly subscription)

This is probably your main chance to work with the cards and me in this way this year (….unless I add an option for birthday readings :) ).

Second: if you’re wondering what other seeds are sprouting and in the early stages of being tended as far as offerings go:

  1. I still have some 1:1 spots available and the podcast will continue. I’m working on getting some guests recorded now that I’m back Stateside and have a quiet place to record, but until then, there are still solo episodes with me where you’ll hear me mine my own experiences for some (hopefully) wise and sometimes silly words to offer you.
  2. Sanctuary: a monthly membership gathering for ritual, soul nourishment, rest, and community. A place of homecoming with an undercurrent of the witchy and wild. I have plans to gather at the end of January so we’re starting around Imbolc and moving through the wheel of the year from there.
  3. For podcast patrons and 1:1 Journeyers: a monthly ceilidh gathering inspired by the Irish and Scottish hospitality and community-building tradition of story, song, dance, etc circles. An informal evening to gather around the (virtual) fire and share creative, generative offerings from our hearts; either something we created or something we heard somewhere. A way for me to say thank you for supporting me and to help you all get to meet each other. We just had our first one and it felt so nourishing. If you’d like to join, you can become a patron or take this as your invitation to finally sign up for some regular 1:1 work with me.
  4. A Samhain retreat in Scotland - a time of fire, stories, and ancestral ways of being and relating (no Scottish ancestry required, but an interest in the lands of Alba and a hunger for deep roots, a must). This is still in the fairly early stages of coming together but I’m so excited by what’s being dreamed into being.
  5. my own writing which is working its way into a book and, most likely, some pre-recorded self-paced courses and workbooks to guide your own development with ancestral reconnection, intuitive development, and coming home again to your body.

If you have any questions about any of these or find yourself feeling inspired or wanting to be kept up to date on any one in particular, please let me know. I’m feeling refreshed and reinvigorated all the way to my soul after my four-month pilgrimage to Ireland and Scotland and am so excited for how that’s working its way into the unfolding of this year and my offerings to you.

I'll close, in true John O'Donohue fashion, with a blessing from me to us: May you find your way to the fire in these dark days. May the fire show you the rhythm of your own transmutation. May we make coming home to our souls a non-negotiable practice so we can water the dry desert of this soul-starved, love-hungry world. May all beings have their basic needs and dignity met. May liberation prevail and where we have been on a wrong path for so long, may we have the courage and vision to say “enough” and step onto a different path.

May it be so.

with Love,


P.S. I know that was a long email, so here's a link again for the tarot offer, which closes tomorrow. If you know you want it but have been putting it off, the time is now.

2923 Pine Spring Rd, Falls Church, VA 22042
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Hi! I'm Kate - an intuitive, medicine woman, and guide for embodied Presence

I care with every fiber of my being that you, a creature of soul and soil, are trying to thrive in systems not designed for you. Where ancient wounds of disconnect, inherited traumas, and misalignments with our over-culture leave you feeling out of place, too much, or like a canary in the mine, I see invitations back deeper into your own aliveness; vital next steps to a wiser, more relational future. Let’s navigate your big questions and transitions together. I’ll support you living meaningfully in this world even though you may feel like you were designed for a different one. I’ll keep you orienting to the truth, heart, and essential wholeness of who you are at the edge of great joy and when you need your feet held to the fire of your own journey. You can see what I offer: and sign up to get a little bit of me, direct to your inbox!

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