is ceremony the point of it all?? (new pod)

Dear ones -

Happy Full Moon in Scorpio - a time for leaning into the death of things which are ready to release to make way for new life and aliveness.

I write to you today from the mountains outside of Santa Fe where the warm sun balances the cold wind as it sighs through the cedars; and the full moon is bright enough to cast shadows while the coyotes yip and howl all night long. There are blooms. And on the highest peaks, there’s also still snow.

Today’s podcast episode is a continuation of my last solo episode, a real-time wondering about ceremony, initiations, and the sacred.

What if the very things which challenge our ability to ‘fix’ or ‘produce’ in the ways we’re used to are the things which bring us closer to sacredness?

I recorded this episode a month ago, right after I recorded the ‘Sacredness: Pt 1’ episode and while grief and uncertainty were right under the surface of my skin.

Like with Sacredness Pt 1, I ended up adding in some updates and edits as I was prepping to release.

Like with Sacredness Pt 1, my wonderings are raw and full of prevarication.

You won’t find many sound bites or clear-cut answers here. Instead you’ll hear me drawing threads of understanding and insight together in real time, while being a mouthpiece for something that might be wisdom (or maybe not?) to come through.

You’ll hear me muse further on:

  • what we should perhaps be looking for in our guides and mentors;
  • a saying I heard in a yoga class and why I think it’s short-sighted as far as a spiritual and cultural approach goes;
  • my understanding of the term ‘shaman’ and why it might help us to stop thinking we all can or should be one;
  • how language can affect our ability to be in right relationship with ceremony, with the sacred, with the medicine we each carry;
  • the language of energy as our birthright;
  • the role of the messy and uncomfortable in our initiations and becoming;
  • ceremony vs navel-gazing;
  • and a part of my journey I don’t speak about much, but which seems to be pointing me to…. something. 

As tender as parts of this episode feel, you're welcome to witness me around the fire.

When the road of 'words' and 'doing' and 'fixes' runs out, may we arrive at the profound and terrifying silence. And in this silence, may we meet ourselves stripped bare. And when we find ourselves stripped bare, may we hold the present of what really matters in our hands and heart. And may we realize we were only ever beautiful and worthy. May we finally realize what it is to be alive.

with Love,


2923 Pine Spring Rd, Falls Church, VA 22042
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Hi! I'm Kate - an intuitive, medicine woman, and guide for embodied Presence

Are you a compassion warrior, culture worker, and rebel who cares deeply about humanity; who's tired of doing all the “right things” and still getting what you’re trying to avoid; and who feels trapped between burning it all down or dying but would rather be wildly, and sacredly alive? I'm an animist and ancestral wisdom guide; ceremonialist, and empath. And I love guiding other humans who want to use their burnout and purpose anxiety as a jumping-off point to journey into their shadows and the shadows of modern society in order to de-armor their hearts; remember a deeper, wilder sense of belonging to the world; and reclaim the rich and sacred spark of their aliveness. This newsletter contains wisdom nuggets, podcast episodes, and invitations to paid and free offerings from my business. All in support of remembering a more animist and land-based culture; holding firm to our humanity in a dehumanizing world; and living with compassion, vulnerability, and reverence.

Read more from Hi! I'm Kate - an intuitive, medicine woman, and guide for embodied Presence

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