final days in Ireland, new pod, tarot for 2024... and more!

Dear ones -

As we settle into the longest night and darkest days of the year, my trip is winding down into its final week and I’m in the liminal space between here and my return to the States.

If you’ve worked with me, chances are, we’ve discussed holding paradox. We’ve worked with the ‘AND’ space of being between one thing and the next, between joy and sadness, between familiar and unknown. It’s inevitable, as we move through life, to experience thresholds. And these are necessary skills to move as gracefully and meaningfully as possible through them.

And I find myself here. Working those edges again. Continuing to expand my capacity to hold the wholeness of my own humanity and my regard for others.

Feeling gratitude, fear, elation, satiation, hunger, hopelessness, power. Heart broken and at peace. Open and protected. Challenged and challenging, loving, hopeful, fully here, and totally delusional.

The journey is ending and only beginning, at the same time.

And I’m choosing to practice more trust in those journeys which take us beyond what we would’ve ever dreamed for ourselves and right to where we’re meant to be.

Thank you for being part of my community. I hold your deepest and most tender prayers for yourself and the world in my heart.

Normally, I try to space out announcements because I do my best to live “less is more”, but in the interest of honoring the time and space I need as I close out my time here and return to the States, I’m putting a few announcements in this one email.

#1 A new podcast episode:

In a time when so many of us seem to be hungry for a connection to place, to people; for a deeper sense of belonging and family; I really lucked out and hit the jackpot.

You’ll hear my musings around:

  • why do we long to know more about our ancestors?
  • was I always interested?
  • why do we lose contact with these memories?
  • what are the repercussions?
  • what do we do with the wounds and traumas in the lineage?
  • what was it like to encounter their memories again in the form of newly discovered cousins?
  • did it change my life?
  • what if we don’t know where we’re from or the threads are too interrupted to trace?

May we feel how deeply we belong and how many ancestors, alive and long gone, dreamed the preciousness of our lives into being, in the best way they knew how.

Listen in on Apple, Spotify, or YouTube (among others)

#2 Tarot for 2024 is back again, better than ever, and open for purchase!

Spending some much time in these ancient lands and with fire and story, something has re-awoken in the depths of my connections with archetypes and the power of symbol and enchantment to keep us fully human and mindful in our evolution. Through the archetypes of intuitive cards, we can find the inspiration and questions which prompt us to live our way into a different frequency and a wiser, more rooted world.

For those of us who are:

  • cultural change-makers and wayfinders;
  • sensitive seers, soulful visionaries, and earthly witches and wizards;
  • devoted to our personal and collective transformation;

an intuitive card reading into archetypal themes and guides can offer us a resonance, a feeling-tone, to anchor our visions, questions, and choices through for 2024.

This year, there are four options for you to choose from to connect with your archetypal guides through intuitive card drawings.

  • Card of the Year (theme for 2024);
  • Card of the Year- Deluxe (theme, plus Stop-Start-Continue);
  • Card of the Month (a year-long membership of monthly personalized card pulls);
  • or the option to Bundle either Card of the Year with A Card of the Month membership.

** Payment plans are available for the memberships.

These are available for purchase from now until Jan 12th and will be delivered starting Dec 28th. You can find out more or sign up here.

Dear ones - I'm not going to pretend these days don't feel dark. Genocides, grief, old fears and wounds, vulnerabilities, climate crisis, the rising costs of living… it can feel impossible to know the right things to say or do. It can feel hopeless as one, small person.

But perhaps it’s not about always getting it right but about being fiercely and humbly loving. Perhaps it’s not about sacrificing our own joys, but about renouncing our inner and outer violence and oppression. Perhaps it's not about what you can do but about what we can do, together.

Maybe, in the end, it’s about how we be together.

This holiday season, may we remember enchantment, peace, and love. May we lay down our internal and external weapons and laugh and weep together in shared grief, hurt, and celebration, in love and forgiveness. May we discern between that which wants to be laid to rest, and that which needs us to keep leaning in.

Out of the darkness, may our awareness of the light return.

Thank you for being here and with much love,


P.S. One of the best choices I made to support my time in these lands and my reawakening to enchantment was to join Scottish storyteller Dougie MacKay (remember him from episode 29 of the podcast?) in his Myth as Medicine Course. He’s become a good friend and is one of my favorite storytellers (also, hopefully, a collaborator on some future offerings?? we’re in early stages of exploring that).

He’s launched a kickstarter to fund his time and care in creating an audio and ebook of his favorite ‘Scottish Tales for Telling’. Because I know him and his style, I know it will be hearth-warming and full of the kind of magic our hearts are hungry for in these days. Please consider joining me in helping him get this project off the ground. One of the rewards is your own copy of the audio book when he's completed it. I can pretty much guarantee you'll love it.

2923 Pine Spring Rd, Falls Church, VA 22042
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Hi! I'm Kate - an intuitive, medicine woman, and guide for embodied Presence

I care with every fiber of my being that you, a creature of soul and soil, are trying to thrive in systems not designed for you. Where ancient wounds of disconnect, inherited traumas, and misalignments with our over-culture leave you feeling out of place, too much, or like a canary in the mine, I see invitations back deeper into your own aliveness; vital next steps to a wiser, more relational future. Let’s navigate your big questions and transitions together. I’ll support you living meaningfully in this world even though you may feel like you were designed for a different one. I’ll keep you orienting to the truth, heart, and essential wholeness of who you are at the edge of great joy and when you need your feet held to the fire of your own journey. You can see what I offer: and sign up to get a little bit of me, direct to your inbox!

Read more from Hi! I'm Kate - an intuitive, medicine woman, and guide for embodied Presence

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